
Aren't they lovely?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The KitchenAid Mixer

I've noticed that when I tell other women that I have purchased a KitchenAid mixer, they always ask the same question. "What color is it?"

I tell them I bought old-fashioned, plain white because the cherry red version was $50 more. Yes, yes, they agree, that makes sense and then go on to tell me that they want one in cherry red or mint green. One woman at work allowed that hers was white, too, but had racing stripes.

Apple has captured the imagination of many with its sleek white phone, but when it comes to mixers women want the opposite. They want them to be big and bulky, hefty shoulders that do all the work. And they want them in a rainbow of colors.

I wonder what it is about this mixer that makes it stand apart. Can you imagine asking anyone who bought a new dishwasher, microwave or washer whether they got the cherry red?


  1. We all have kitchen lust for those mixers. They're just so cool and efficient looking and they make you feel like you're a real baker, not someone who uses cake mix (even though we all do.)

  2. Teresa,
    I think you're right. No tinny sounding, hand-held mixers. We can cook. Or at least, we have been cooking for years.

  3. Red is the only one I can picture. I wonder why....the ads??
