
Aren't they lovely?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome, all those with a sense of wonder

The ducks returned to the backyard pool this morning, prompting me to launch this blog. It's intended to be a hub for all those who wonder about the world. The ducks, a male and female, arrive each spring as soon as the light is just right. They swim in the pool for about a month, and then fly off again. We do not know where they come from, or where they go. The mystery of that makes me wonder.

Before they arrived this morning, I told my husband I could sense they were coming today. I have no special knowledge, just a good memory of the crisp light that seems to portend their arrival.

They were roosting on the far side of the pool when I first saw them beyond the fence. I cooed to them, "Hello," I said over and ofter. The male came swimming toward me. He must have remembered that I have fed him chunks of bread year by year. It was not long before the female swam my way, too, to scoop her chunks of bread from the murky water on the pool cover.

If you've got a story to tell, a mystery to explore, or just a notion about your take on the world to share, you're welcome to do it here.


  1. Your first fan reaction, Lily! I think you're off to a great start. It's classically you.

  2. Great photo! I like the story of his memory, and your ESP. :) Thank you.

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging. Anxiously awaiting your take from World HQ.

    Glad to see the coup is alive and well at HQ.

  4. It's about time It's Personal got some competition.

    I look forward to more articles in the future :).

  5. Looking forward to more stories from you. (And I'm coming down to see the ducks soon.)

  6. Game on!

    I will enjoy reading both of your blogs. My boss won't like me perusing blogs all afternoon. I'll have to read fast!

  7. It is very interesting that ducks would do this year after year. I assume they are the same ducks.
    Congrats on the blog. Give It's Personal a run for the money.

  8. We think they are the same ducks, but have no proof. That's part of the mystery.

  9. So happy to see you with a blog! Thanks for the duck story. Its kind of a "stop and smell the roses" story and they are good. Guess we are getting old, but glad we are getting old together. Keep it coming!

  10. Hi Lil, this is May & Victoria. We love your swimming pool. Now we love it more because of the couple of ducks!! All our best wishes to them!!

    Yes, you are right in that life is full of mysteries. We will share with you our findinds when the inspirations occur to us... Meanwhile, looking forward to seeing your new findings too Lil :) Cheers!

  11. By the way, Lil, I love this navy blue background. It is elegant. - May
